Saturday 5 January 2013

January 2013

January 2013

Images: as presented plus one church drawing.

Text/ discussion: Copy of Version 3 Application for Registration and a highlight of the changes
                            Ideas about how to convert the essential ideas of the research into a RSA Animate type of presentation!
                           Social Drawing: describe, define, quantify
                            - explain why the term is needed; to distinguish from the common idea of Drawing as an individual, solitary exercise; describe the commonalities and differences of both
                            - how to use Social Drawing in the context of my research?
                           Ageing; how ageing has moved ,very recently from the house of the dieing to the house of the living and how Ageing is now starting to be considered part of the life journey instead of just a preparation for death.

Diary: handwritten as a monthly review

R G Wilson    CCW                                                            06 Feb 2013       
Research Proposal/Programme of Research


Facilitating Imaginative and Creative Learning in Later Life through Drawing.


Drawing curriculum development for Senior’s Life Long Learning [LLL].


1.1 To establish whether there is a correlation between the practice of Drawing and healthy ageing1.

1.2 To investigate whether an embedded benefit of regularly engaging with Drawing as a mean of communication and discovery by visual artists might be reflected in the healthy ageing of Senior artists and whether the recognition of this might be used in the development of LLL programs benefitting a broader constituency.

1.3 To develop a Drawing curriculum for Seniors LLL based on the findings of 1.1 and 1.2 above, specific to their healthy ageing needs.

1.4 To develop my studio Drawing practice to be reflective of, and reflexive to, the research so that each will inform the other in the context of the topic.


Regarding Aim 1.1

2.1 To investigate the convergence of thinking in the areas of Drawing and healthy ageing and LLL and their relationships in the context of the topic.

2.2 To understand the connections to Drawing in current neuroscience and gerontology research and literature and to establish it’s relevance in regards to healthy ageing needs of Seniors in LLL and whether intellectual stimulation provided through LLL may be related to areas of the brain stimulated by the experience of Drawing activities.

Regarding Aim 1.2

2.3 To establish the effects of involvement with Drawing on Senior artists healthy ageing, on a retrospective basis, in the context of the topic.

Regarding Aim 1.3

2.4 To investigate the use of Drawing in educational models and systems and the problems and opportunities that may currently exist within current Drawing curricula.

2.5 To investigate Seniors learning and its importance to them and to question whether LLL needs of Seniors are being met and to establish if Seniors require special pedagogical considerations in curriculum development.

2.6 To integrate new research evidence that suggests that a major factor in healthy mind/brain ageing and wellbeing may be its exercise and that involvement in LLL, especially the Arts may provide one of the best forms of exercise.

2.7 To investigate whether the qualities and attributes of Drawing as referred to by senior artists correspond to the social and mental healthy ageing needs of Seniors.

2.8 To investigate Drawing techniques used in Mind Mapping, Visual Thinking and non-verbal learning and certain Art Therapy techniques to establish their potential relevance and use in the context of the topic.

Regarding Aim 1.4

2.9 To focus on a reflective analysis of my overall healthy ageing arising from the reflexive experience of Drawing as a Senior in the context of the topic.

2.10 To attempt to use techniques such as periodic fMRI scanning of myself to establish autobiographical connections in the context of the topic.


Although Drawing has played a significant role in Art pedagogical programs historically[1] there is little evidence of Drawing in LLL programs for Seniors in the U.K.[2]. In the past decade there have been research initiatives, primarily in the U.S, in new areas of gerogogy, geroneurology, and gerosociology suggesting that involvement in the Arts leads to healthy ageing4. There have been studies carried out in the U.K. by various agencies in the past 20 years regarding the benefits of developing creative initiatives at all levels of LLL5, however few programs have been established for Seniors LLL6 and the percentage of Seniors involved in LLL has been decreasing7.

Some writing has been done on ageing and creativity8 and although there has been some commentary by senior artists9 there has been very little biographical or autobiographical documentation of/by senior artists that reflects directly on their ageing process.


There is current primary research and writing with respect to healthy brain ageing and LLL10 and there are some new initiatives in establishing local authority Seniors Arts programs11, however there is little being done involving the practice of Drawing as a component of the Art programs. There are no known investigations into the linkages between Drawing and geragogy as to healthy ageing in an effort to propose new, practical opportunities in LLL as is suggested by this proposal.


The theoretical basis of this proposal is that a state of health in an ageing12 mind/brain depends on its exercise and that the best form of exercise may be
as a result of ongoing involvement in LLL, especially in the Arts13. This research hypothesizes that Drawing, done in a social context, is the best form of Art to be considered in the development of a LLL program specific to Seniors healthy ageing.


·      Review literature, research and data that take into consideration debates in the areas of convergence of thinking about Drawing and its relation to LLL and healthy ageing.

·      To use myself and my own ageing process as a main subject by establishing a reflective and reflexive studio practice that will use my documented experience as an art-maker and Drawer in the context of the topic.

·      Initiate primary research, including self-completed anonymous questionnaires, in a series of Seniors’ Drawing workshops to determine relative social stimulation during various drawing exercises.

·      Cite narrative accounts through semi-structured oral history interviews with Senior artists to explain their retrospective experiential accounts in the context of the topic.

·      Establish collaboration in related areas of study involving Drawing.

·      Use quantitative statistical analysis of existing data to establish the size and growth of the Seniors demographic and the trends for LLL participation.


See attached.


See attached.

12 Healthy Ageing is defined as: ongoing activities that reduce risk of illness and disease and increase positive physical, emotional and mental health outcomes and enhance quality of life.

13 Multiple articles, books and blogs by Dr.Goldberg and Dr. M Merzenick within past five years, who are referenced in the MSL. Also various research projects initiated by Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Gardner, 1989


An exhibition of the artwork created and a written thesis including a proposed Drawing curriculum for Seniors.

1 Healthy Ageing is defined as: ongoing activities that reduce risk of illness and disease and increase positive physical, emotional and mental health outcomes and enhance quality of life.
[1] The Arts and Education: Knowledge Generation, Pedagogy, and the Discourse of Learning, Review of Research in Education, V. L. Gadsden, Feb 2008, University of Pennsylvania
Dewey, 1934 Eisner, 1982 and 1994 and Gardner, 1989

[2] Ageing Artfully Report, Barings Foundation, David Cutler, 2009, [ISBN 978-1-906172-06-0].

4 The Creativity and Ageing Study, Final Report PDF, G.D. Cohen, April 2006
   Opening Minds through Art (OMA) at Colonial: Miami, E Lokon, June 2010

5 Schuller, T. And Watson, D. (2009) Learning Through Life: Inquiry into the Future for Lifelong Learning. Leicester: NIACE
  Robinson Report, 2006, referenced in MSL

6 Ageing Artfully Report, Barings Foundation, David Cutler, 2009, [ISBN 978-1-906172-06-0].

7 J Benyon, 2010, referenced in MSL.

8 On Late Style, E. Said, 2007, Patheon

9 Audio Arts, W. Furlong, 2007 Connecting Lines: Artists Talk About Drawing CD 2010 part of National Life Stories project of the British Library. Senior Artists Dictate History, Chinese documentary film, 2006 to present [ongoing project]. Senior Artists Initiative Philadelphia, ongoing documentation process.

10 Multiple articles, books and blogs by Dr.Goldberg and Dr. M Merzenick within past five years, who are referenced in the MSL. Also various research projects initiated by Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Gardner, 1989

11 Ageing Artfully Report, Barings Foundation, David Cutler, 2009, ISBN 978-1-906172-06-0